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Metrological Management at an Industrial Enterprise
Kotliarovа V. H., Bratishko Y. S.

Kotliarovа, Victoriia H., and Bratishko, Yuliia S. (2021) “Metrological Management at an Industrial Enterprise.” Business Inform 3:212–219.

Section: Management and Marketing

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Management of metrological activity is an integral component of the management of a modern enterprise. Implementation of effective and high-quality metrological activity at the enterprise is a guarantee that the products manufactured meet the corresponding technical requirements. Therefore, definition of the concept and essence of metrological management is relevant. The article is aimed at defining the concept and essence of metrological management and developing a scheme of its application in the management of metrological activity of enterprise. It is determined that the object of metrological management is the measurement processes at an industrial enterprise; subject – aggregate of technical, technological and organizational means necessary for the implementation of measurement processes. The authors propose the approach to the formation of a metrological management system, which consists of two subsystems: 1) formation of a metrological management system, the purpose of which is to organize methodological and resource provision of measurement processes at the enterprise; 2) operation of the metrological management system, the purpose of which is to ensure the guarantee that the manufactured products meet the corresponding technical requirements. The constituents of the system are interconnected through the relationship of tasks. The scheme of application of metrological management in the management of metrological activity of an industrial enterprise and a methodology for assessing the quality of its operation are developed. The proposed approach will allow enterprises not only to build a system of metrological management, but also to implement it, which will increase consumer confidence in the quality of products and will be the key to a stable market situation.

Keywords: metrological management, quality of system operation, technical requirements for products.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Kotliarovа Victoriia H. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy, National Pharmaceutical University (53 Hryhoriia Skovorody Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Bratishko Yuliia S. – Doctor of Sciences (Pharmaceutics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy, National Pharmaceutical University (53 Hryhoriia Skovorody Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

Vesnin, V. R. Menedzhment [Management]. Moscow: TK Velbi ; Izd-vo «Prospekt», 2006.
Druker, P. F. Entsiklopediya menedzhmenta [Encyclopedia of Management]. Moscow: Vilyams, 2004.
“DSTU 3561.0-97 Metrolohiia. Odynytsi fizychnykh velychyn. Osnovni odynytsi fizychnykh velychyn Mizhnarodnoi systemy odynyts. Osnovni polozhennia, nazvy ta poznachennia“ [DSTU 3561.0-97 Metrology. Units of Physical Quantities. Basic Units of Physical Quantities of the International System of Units. Basic Provisions, Names and Symbols].ДСТУ_3651.0-97
“DSTU 3561.1-97 Metrolohiia. Odynytsi fizychnykh velychyn. Pokhidni odynytsi fizychnykh velychyn Mizhnarodnoi systemy odynyts. Osnovni poniattia, nazvy ta poznachennia“ [DSTU 3561.1-97 Metrology. Units of Physical Quantities. Derived Units of Physical Quantities of the International System of Units. Basic Concepts, Names and Symbols].
“DSTU 3561.2-97 Metrolohiia. Odynytsi fizychnykh velychyn. Fizychni stali ta kharakterystychni chysla“ [DSTU 3561.2-97 Metrology. Units of Physical Quantities. Physical Steels and Characteristic Numbers].
“DSTU 3215-95 Metrolohiia. Metrolohichna atestatsiia zasobiv vymiriuvalnoi tekhniky. Orhanizatsiia ta poriadok provedennia“ [DSTU 3215-95 Metrology. Metrological Certification of Measuring Equipment. Organization and Procedure].
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“DSTU 2708-99 Metrolohiia. Povirka zasobiv vymiriuvalnoi tekhniky. Orhanizatsiia ta poriadok provedennia“ [DSTU 2708-99 Metrology. Calibration of Measuring Equipment. Organization and Procedure].
“DSTU 3989-2000 Metrolohiia. Kalibruvannia zasobiv vymiriuvalnoi tekhniky. Osnovni polozhennia, orhanizatsiia, poriadok provedennia ta oformlennia rezultativ“ [DSTU 3989-2000 Metrology. Calibration of Measuring Equipment. Basic Provisions, Organization, Procedure and Results].
“DSTU ISO 10012: 2005 Systemy keruvannia vymiriuvanniamy. Vymohy do protsesiv vymiriuvannia ta vymiriuvalnoho obladnannia“ [DSTU ISO 10012: 2005 Measurement Control Systems. Requirements for Measuring Processes and Measuring Equipment].
“DSTU ISO 9000: 2015 Systemy upravlinnia yakistiu. Osnovni polozhennia ta slovnyk terminiv (ISO 9000: 2015, IDT)“ [DSTU ISO 9000: 2015 Quality Management Systems. Basic Provisions and Glossary of Terms (ISO 9000: 2015, IDT)].
Dziabenko, O. M. “Metrolohichna diialnist na pidpryiemstvi“ [Metrological Activity At the Enterprise]. Metrolohiia ta prylady, no. 2 (2020): 40-43. DOI: 10.33955/2307-2180(2)2020.40-43


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