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Adaptive Management and Sustainable Development: The Relationship of Concepts in the Context of Enterprise Management in Conditions of Uncertainty
Zhosan H. V.

Zhosan, Hanna V. (2021) “Adaptive Management and Sustainable Development: The Relationship of Concepts in the Context of Enterprise Management in Conditions of Uncertainty.” Business Inform 3:179–187.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The objectives of the article are: study of the definitions of concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development»; analysis of these concepts; allocation of the keywords that disclose the essence of the concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development»; establishing a connection between them in the context of enterprise management in conditions of uncertainty. For a clearer understanding of the essence of the concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development», the author used the method of morphological analysis and carried out a morphological classification of these concepts. It is determined that when defining the concept of «adaptability», scholars use such keywords as property, reaction, ability, characteristics and condition, the process of adaptation to changes. The concept of «adaptability», in fact, equates (up to complete identifying) to the concept of «adaptation». Regarding the concepts of «sustainability»/«development», it is determined that the sustainability of enterprise development is ensured on the basis of taking into account the influence of the external environment and improving management within the enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its activities and continuous development. For each enterprise, it is important not only to maintain resilience, but also to strive for a state of sustainable development. In order to establish a relationship between concepts, the concept map method was used, which was constructed using concepts, keywords to them and definitions within keyword data. It is established that the keywords of all four categories are interrelated. To determine the most commonly used words in the context of these concepts, the author used semantic analysis and the «frequency cloud» of words. The obtained results confirm both the carried out analysis of concepts and the defined keywords for categories of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development».

Keywords: adaptation, adaptability, sustainability, development, enterprise, COVID-19, pandemic, conditions of uncertainty.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 33.

Zhosan Hanna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Information Technology, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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