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The Organizational and Managerial Provision of Business Processes Reengineering at Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization
Prokhorova V. V., Chobitok V. I.

Prokhorova, Viktoriia V., and Chobitok, Viktoriia I. (2021) “The Organizational and Managerial Provision of Business Processes Reengineering at Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization.” Business Inform 1:279–285.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at analyzing the organizational and managerial provision of the reengineering of business processes at enterprise in the conditions of digitalization. According to the results of the research, it is identified that in turbulent economy conditions to improve the financial and economic state of business processes at domestic enterprises, there is a need to use innovative and progressive technologies, one of which is the reengineering technology. The main goal of business process reengineering is qualitative improvement of specific spheres of activity of enterprises. The essence of the formation of business processes of enterprise is the development and adaptation of the enterprise management system in accordance with modern challenges in the conditions of digitalization. For each business process, an aggregate of input resources, rules of work and expected results are formed. The digitalization technologies to provide the reengineering of business processes at enterprise allow to organize the most personalized interaction, which is preferred by most customers. Digital communication channels, artificial intelligence, robotics – all this should be implemented by the enterprise to achieve success. The digital transformation of business processes at enterprise is designed to provide conditions for making effective managerial decisions in order to quickly adapt the work to the requirements of our time and meet the needs of consumers. The process of providing the reengineering of business processes at enterprise on the basis of digitalization opens up opportunities for innovative ways of their development, which has become effective due to the large number of the instruments used.

Keywords: reengineering, business processes, enterprise, digitalization, organizational and managerial provision of reengineering.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Prokhorova Viktoriia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Management, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Chobitok Viktoriia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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