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Mental Health as the Basis for Motivating Employees to Intellectual Activity Ugolkova O. Z., Zalizna L. V.
Ugolkova, Olena Z., and Zalizna, Lyubov V. (2021) “Mental Health as the Basis for Motivating Employees to Intellectual Activity.” Business Inform 12:263–268.
Section: Management and Marketing
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Abstract: An important value of each enterprise is its intellectual capital, which is the basis for the production and sale of quality products and obtaining successful financial results from the activities carried out. Mental health is one of the key qualitative characteristics of the state of intellectual capital of the enterprise and the implementation of intellectual activity. Mental health includes the emotional, psychological and social well-being of staff and managers. It affects how they think, feel, act, and also determines how employees cope with stress, treat other employees and make choices. The article is aimed at analyzing the importance of mental health as a factor influencing the intellectual ability of employees and characterizing ways to improve it in order to increase intellectual activity. The publication proves that poor mental health is often the cause of burnout among employees, which seriously affects their ability to effectively perform their professional duties. This is especially true for employees who carry out intellectual activities in the enterprise. In developed countries, there has been a long-time public awareness of the importance of maintaining proper mental health, especially at work. Also in many countries there are the State-based programs to ensure the mental well-being of employees and a significant number of foundations, associations and unions of psychologists who carry out practical activities in this area and help both employees in particular and business in general. It is concluded that human resources have effective tools, the use of which will help to positively affect the mental health of their intellectual workers.
Keywords: mental health, well-being, mental state, intellectual ability, intellectual activity, intellectualization.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 10.
Ugolkova Olena Z. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Zalizna Lyubov V. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Economic and Customs Activities, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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