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Analyzing the Critical Factors of Influence on the Implementation of the National Economic Strategy – 2030
Lychkovska M. R.

Lychkovska, Maryna R. (2021) “Analyzing the Critical Factors of Influence on the Implementation of the National Economic Strategy – 2030.” Business Inform 10:6–13.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.22.021.2

The article is aimed at generalizing the essential content of the concept of «creativity» in the context of the components that comprise it; analyzing the main factors influencing them; identifying tendencies and particularities of the manifestation of an unproductive type of creativity against the background of the development of the crisis of trust and their devastating impact on the country’s economy; substantiating the importance of drawing attention to these problems in forming the main tasks of the State policy on the effective implementation of the Strategy–2030. The article generalizes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «creativity». Four of its types are allocated: technological (inventiveness); economic (entrepreneurship), as well as artistic and cultural creativity. It is underlined that different types of creativity should not be considered incompatible; on the contrary, they should inspire each other, and the interaction between them creates an important synergistic effect. It is argued that the factors that combine different types of creativity are innovation, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial abilities. It is substantiated that creativity, in all forms of its manifestation, innovativeness and entrepreneurship should become end-to-end qualities that will combine all 20 directions of the Strategy. Precisely these factors should be taken into account in determining strategic goals, ways to achieve them and in the tasks of the State economic policy. It is emphasized that in order for these factors to be turned from innovation potential into a resource of development, the necessary element is motivation. It is defined that motivation can generate two types of creativity – productive and unproductive. It is proved that unproductive creativity inhibits socio-economic development, or even destroys it. The main tendencies, types and features of the manifestation of unproductive type of creativity in different stakeholders in the context of the «crisis of trust» are allocated and analyzed. Based on the analysis of the current state of trust in social institutions, it is determined that it is very low. It is underlined that under such conditions, the «crisis of trust» will continue to motivate and provoke the development of an unproductive type of creativity in all its forms and can become a multiplier for the development of negative socio-economic events that will make the implementation of the National Economic Strategy very problematic.

Keywords: creativity, ingenuity, productive creativity, unproductive creativity, crisis thinking, crisis of trust.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Lychkovska Maryna R. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Law, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (26 Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, 65020, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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