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The Innovative Public-Private Projects as a Direction of Strengthening Local Finance
Bilenko D. V., Kaliazina V. A., Lukashenko O. C.

Bilenko, Darya V., Kaliazina, Viktoriia A., and Lukashenko, Olena Ch. (2021) “The Innovative Public-Private Projects as a Direction of Strengthening Local Finance.” Business Inform 10:69–75.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at substantiating the need to introduce innovative public-private projects in order to strengthen local finance. The article presents a definition of the concept of «innovative public-private project», based on the analysis of literary sources, generalizes the main problems of integration of science and business within the innovative public-private projects together with the reasons for their occurrence. Using the methods of analysis of root causes and regression-correlation analysis of statistical data referring to European countries, it was concluded that, despite the financing of research and development costs affects the volume of high-tech exports and the number of researchers in the field of research and development, however, a greater number of researchers does not guarantee a greater volume of high-tech exports, which, in turn, means that the main problems of integration of science and business within the innovative public-private projects should be addressed not by increasing the funding of scientific research, but introducing new, effective mechanisms of public-private partnership at the regional level. It is proved that the transfer of part of the functions of public-private partnership to the regional level of their distribution will contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions. According to the results of the carried out research, the authors allocate such directons of implementation of innovative public-private partnerships at the local level as participation of the State regional authorities in the development of educational programs of local universities and the formation of an innovation network with regional industrial enterprises, as well as information promotion of innovative centers that unite science and business, in the plane of organization of training seminars, conferences, etc..

Keywords: public-private projects, innovations, local finances, regression and correlation analysis.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Bilenko Darya V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Finance, The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kaliazina Viktoriia A. – Masters Student, The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Lukashenko Olena Ch. – Masters Student, The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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