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Interdisciplinary Approach: The Essence and Role in the Context of Modernization of the System of Public Economic Management
Lysyuk V. S.

Lysyuk, Volodymyr S. (2021) “Interdisciplinary Approach: The Essence and Role in the Context of Modernization of the System of Public Economic Management.” Business Inform 10:44–49.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

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UDC 338.33:005.591.6

Management of the national economy is based on the use of the appropriate to historical context approach: procedural, system, situational, synergistic, interdisciplinary, or network one. The article substantiates the need and disclosure of the essence of the interdisciplinary approach to economic management research. Consideration of public management as a special field of knowledge objectively requires research of public management in the field of economics in connection with other sciences. Economic management has direct «intersection zones» with macroeconomic analysis, philosophy, sociology, political science, ecology and law. Only under the balanced influence of social, economic, political and legal spheres is formed a democratic system of development of the country and society. To ensure this direction of social relations movement, social actions of public management entities should be the result of close interaction of legally enshrined political and economic processes and meet the expectations of citizens. The interdisciplinary approach in public management research contributes to the transformation of the State administration system into modern models of public regulation of society, in particular a network model. The network approach develops tools for analyzing dynamics and changeability in the process of making and implementing the State level decisions, conceptualizes traditional organizational parameters in a new way: information, resources, knowledge, experience, values, etc. A striking example of the network approach is the introduction of various forms of public-private partnership, which becomes relevant in modern conditions and becomes an important direction for improving public management. In today’s environment, the interdisciplinary approach should be widely used in public management of the national economy, thus it needs further development and improvement in order to obtain an effective economic policy as result.

Keywords: procedural approach, system approach, situational approach, synergistic approach, interdisciplinary approach, network model.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Lysyuk Volodymyr S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Marketing, Rivne Institute of Slavonic Studies (28 Petra Mohyly Str., Rivne, 33017, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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