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Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Field of Small and Medium-sized Businesses Based on the Formation of Partnerships
Kaluhina N. A.

Kaluhina, Nataliia A. (2021) “Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Field of Small and Medium-sized Businesses Based on the Formation of Partnerships.” Business Inform 10:253–260.

Section: Problems of Business

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.114:334.75

Small and medium-sized businesses in most countries are a priority part of the economy, favorably affecting the level of employment, filling as the State so the local budgets. The development of this form of entrepreneurial activity is complicated by a number of problems, including: a high degree of uncertainty and risks, fluctuations in demand, lack of financial instruments for the formation of start-up capital, administrative barriers, corruption, etc. The presence of problems causes the relevance of searching for ways of development, one of which is the formation of optimal models of partnerships to maximize competitive advantages, which comprises the purpose of the article. The information base of the research is the legislative framework of a number of countries, international regulations, data of international scientific platforms, official statistics. To achieve the article’s purpose, methods of scientific cognition were used: theoretical generalization, empirical analysis, abstraction, expert evaluation, visualization. The publication analyzes the most significant problems inherent in small and medium-sized businesses, identifies the prerequisites for their further development. The need to develop scientific and applied approaches to the formation of an optimal model of partnerships based on achieving competitive advantages is substantiated. Stages of this process have been formed, including: methodological approach to determining the partners based on the allocation and assessment of competitive advantages that are created in the process of partnership implementation; approach to choosing the most optimal model of partnerships, based on the construction of a matrix of model compliance with the results created by it; model of the process of monitoring the functionality of partnership relations. Further development of the topic will be carried out in the direction of forming a scientific and methodological approach to determining the synergistic effect that may arise as a result of the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Keywords: entrepreneurial activities, small and medium-sized business, partnerships, integration, model, competitive advantages, monitoring.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Kaluhina Nataliia A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Marketing, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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