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Quality of Life of the Population: Content and Specifics of the Regional Level
Bil M. M.

Bil, Mariana M. (2021) “Quality of Life of the Population: Content and Specifics of the Regional Level.” Business Inform 10:214–220.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC [330.59:314.93:330.12]:332.01

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical-applied provisions of the quality of life of the population with the identification of the specifics of assessment and provision at the regional level. Based on accounting the definitions of quality of life operated by international and government structures, domestic and foreign scholars have proposed to understand this category as an indicator of the degree of provision of the population with benefits in both the quantitative and the qualitative assessment, taking into account the environmental conditions and its stability for long-term satisfaction of material, cultural and spiritual needs. As a result of the study, the difference between the concept of quality of life and other evaluative indicators of human activity was identified, namely: standard of living, well-being, human and sustainable development. The quality of life involves the combination of both the quantitative and the qualitative assessment of the degree of provision of benefits and meeting the needs of the population, taking into account the environmental conditions and achieving a stable state along with the properties of resiliency. It is indicated the relativity of the analysis of the quality of life at different levels, and therefore the specifics of its understanding at the global level and at the levels of the State, region, community, household, person are determined. The criteria for assessing the quality of life are systematized, which allows to distinguish the specifics of its provision at the levels of the State and its regions. The main objectives of the policy of ensuring the quality of life of the population are determined in the context of creating an environment of opportunities to motivate the market environment to produce benefits, creating a competitive environment in the conditions of global mobility, ensuring stability, providing high-quality social services and developing social infrastructure. Prospect for further research is to determine the system of mechanisms of regional policy of ensuring the quality of life of the population, the formation and implementation of which in Ukraine requires scientific substantiations in the course of further decentralization.

Keywords: quality of life of the population, benefits, needs, provision of the quality of life, region.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Bil Mariana M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Social and Humanitarian Development of Regions, Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine (4 Kozelnytska Str., Lvіv, 79026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Bohdanova, T. I. “Yakist zhyttia naselennia - yak meta sotsialno-oriientovanoi derzhavy“ [Quality of Life - as the Goal of a Socially Oriented State]. Visnyk sotsialno-ekonomichnykh doslidzhen, no. 37 (2009): 8-15.
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