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Developing the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises of the Kherson Region: The Economic and Statistical Analysis Chmut A. V.
Chmut, Anna V. (2021) “Developing the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises of the Kherson Region: The Economic and Statistical Analysis.” Business Inform 10:152–158.
Section: Economic statistics
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) - |
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Abstract: The article is aimed at analyzing the main indicators of foreign economic activity of the Kherson region. Considering that in the context of globalization the development of the economy of any country is firmly related to the development of its foreign economic activity, the article contains an analysis of the main indicators of international trade in goods and services of the Kherson region. Based on the carried out analysis, it is found that in 2020, in the total structure of Ukraine’s exports and imports, the share of the Kherson region amounted to 0.6%. Active participants in foreign trade in goods and services were more than 300 enterprises of the region, and the partners - 120 countries over the world. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators (exports, imports, balances) showed that in trade in goods there are positive tendencies to increase export volumes in recent years, as well as an increase in the number of participants and the expansion of the geography of foreign trade. The article analyzes the commodity and geographical structure, as a result it is identified that the main importers of products of the Kherson region are the Netherlands, Turkey and Poland. Export of services in the Kherson region was implemented by 123 enterprises into 75 world countries. The largest partners remain Turkey, Belize, as well as Germany, Poland, Switzerland. It is identified that in the structure of exports of commodity products, the largest share in 2020 was made up of the following commodity groups: cereals, seeds and fruits of oilseeds, fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin, residues and wastes of the food industry, wood and wood products, vessels, etc. The analysis of sales volumes of certain types of products in natural and cost-based indicators is carried out. The indicators of the region’s imports are analyzed according to the same method. The article contains findings of the analysis of the export and import indicators in the regional districts structure.
Keywords: foreign economic activity, international trade, exports of goods, imports.
Fig.: 7. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 8.
Chmut Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Management and Administration, Kherson State University (27 Universytetska Str., Kherson, 73000, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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Chmut, A. V., and Melnyk, S. “Rozvytok zovnishnyoi torhivli tovaramy prodovolchoi hrupy v Khersonskii oblasti“ [Development of Foreign Trade in Food Products in the Kherson Region]. Rozvytok form i metodiv suchasnoho menedzhmentu v umovakh hlobalizatsii. 2018. Dnipro, 2018. 85-87.
Ushkarenko, Yu. V., Chmut, A. V., and Soloviov, A. I. “Perevahy kooperatyvnoi vzaiemodii pid chas vyrobnytstva ta eksportu orhanichnoi produktsii“ [Advantages of Cooperative Interaction in the Production and Export of Organic Products]. Pidpryiemnytstvo ta innovatsii, vol. 2, no. 11 (2020): 44-50. DOI:
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