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Analyzing the Current State and Trends in the Development of Digitalization of Society in Ukraine Gevorkyan A. Y.
Gevorkyan, Artem Yu. (2021) “Analyzing the Current State and Trends in the Development of Digitalization of Society in Ukraine.” Business Inform 10:128–134.
Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 330.47:519.2
Abstract: The article is aimed at researching the state and trends in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the course of digitalization of Ukraine. The need to monitor the development of both the ICT and the information society in the development of Ukraine’s information security strategy is substantiated. The author carries out the analysis of dynamics and structure of statistical indicators characterizing revenues from the provision of telecommunication services; of ensuring and using high-speed Internet by government agencies, business and the population; of development of e-commerce and the use of e-democracy instruments by public authorities and local self-government bodies. According to the results of the computation of the Index of Countries’ Readiness for Network Society obtained by the Nomura Research Institute (NRI), Ukraine’s place in the rating together with its neighboring countries was determined by the subgroups «Business» and «Government». It is determined that there is a trend of a consistent positive development of the information society, despite the problems associated with the lack of investment resources and a small level of budget financing, as well as the unsatisfactory pace of implementation of high-speed Internet, the uneven development of ICT in the regions of the country, the insufficient narrowing of the digital gap between cities and rural areas, the shortage of IT specialists, the export orientation of the IT industry. It was concluded that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to more intensively implement ICT in remote education, healthcare, provision of administrative online services, intensification of the Internet of Things, etc. It is proposed to adapt the national statistical reporting to international requirements in order to identify the equivalent level of digitalization of Ukraine.
Keywords: information security, information and communication technologies, telecommunication services, analysis, digitalization.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.
Gevorkyan Artem Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Director, Ukrainian State Research Institute «Resource» (84 Kazymyra Malevycha Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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