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Creative Economy as the Basis for Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region
Khalina O. V.

Khalina, Olha V. (2020) “Creative Economy as the Basis for Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.” Business Inform 4:57–62.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The main condition of qualitative economic growth of the countries of Asia-Pacific region (APR) is the active development of creative economy. The article is aimed at researching the essence of the creative economy, defining the classification of goods and services in this sphere, and most importantly – the reasons for its popularization in the modern economic space. For purposes of the research, the representatives of the APR, such as Singapore, South Korea, China and India are chosen, which have timely passed from the extensive model of economic development and direct their production capacities toward creative activity to improve the synthesis of technology, art and culture in innovative business forms. Analyzing the above-mentioned Asian countries, the author defined strengths in the following directions: the growth rate of gross domestic product according to purchasing power parity, the rating of innovative economies, the exports of high-tech goods. China’s economy is characterized by rapid buildup of production volumes, South Korea and Singapore are focused on the quality and novelty of the goods, India aims to develop the export potential of its State. At the same time, the article researches the activity of Asian countries engaging in creative activities and identifies the goods and services by which they occupy a leading position. Thus, in determining the priority spheres of economic development of Asian countries, the first place take the innovative and creative components. The article determines that the creative economy is a leading sphere of economic and social development that promotes the commercialization of talents, intellectual property and development of private entrepreneurship on the example of the Asia-Pacific countries.

Keywords: creative economy, economic development, countries of Asia-Pacific region, creative industry, innovations, socio-cultural aspect.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 14.

Khalina Olha V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and World Economy, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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