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Archetypics of Management System as the Basis for a Holistic Development of Enterprises
Chobitok V. I.

Chobitok, Viktoriia I. (2020) “Archetypics of Management System as the Basis for a Holistic Development of Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:486–497.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.014:005.1

The article is aimed at forming the archetypics of management system as the basis for a holistic development of enterprises. The results of the carried out research demonstrate that the skill of management must have at the heart talent, originality, creativity and courage of personality. The talent of a manager is manifested in his individual traits, non-standard views of thinking, in a broad worldview, using both verbal and non-verbal means of influence and mandatory understanding of the consequences of the own managerial actions. Over the years, at different stages of its dialectical continuous development, mankind has shaped the methods, forms and means of management system. Progress of development of management system is not linear and is the result of interaction of different processes, the purposeful activity of mankind plays a decisive role in this development, because the whole life of a human consists in constant persistent search for truth related to invention of methods of adaptation to a changing environment. It is noted that, despite the influence of internal or external factors, enterprises always need to adapt to these impacts, make timely and effective managerial decisions, take risks, engage in active development, which will serve as the basis for a holistic development of any system. It is defined that one of the most complex management instruments is a managerial decision, which should be based on the informed creative recommendations as to the organization and stimulation of the enterprise’s activity. It is not always possible even for experienced managers who know the methods of management skill to form a managerial idea and succeed in proving its expediency, and therefore it is necessary to look for non-standard, creative solutions to get a positive effect and holistic development of enterprises.

Keywords: archetypics, management system, development stages, managerial decisions, holistic development of enterprises.

Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 12.

Chobitok Viktoriia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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