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Business Processes are the Basis for Effective Interconnections of Structural Units of Business of Diversified Enterprises
Zalutska K. Y.

Zalutska, Khrystyna Ya. (2020) “Business Processes are the Basis for Effective Interconnections of Structural Units of Business of Diversified Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:180–190.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 65.012.615

The difficulty of effectively managing diversified enterprises, especially at the corporate level, is the difficulty of establishing the best connections between its business units. Establishing optimal interconnections involves weeding out excess information and numerical repetition in a largely descriptive nature by combining only certain key elements of a particular phenomenon, depending on the conditions in which it is located, which reduces the time it is taken and improves their quality. Accordingly, the article is aimed at allocating the basic business processes of enterprise with the identification of key elements in their composition, which will ensure the identification of optimal points of contact to establish effective interconnections between business processes of different business units of diversified enterprises at a particular time. Using the historical method, the approaches of scholars to the allocation of business processes in the enterprise on certain classification characteristics are researched, features of each type of business process and the possibility of their use to establish optimal connections between the structural units of the diversified enterprise are determined. To simplify the research, the types of business processes considered using the element-by-element theoretical method are combined into certain groups in accordance with the directions of their formation. The basic business processes in the activities of the structural business units of the diversified enterprise are allocated using the abstraction, analysis, analogy and generalization methods. In the limits of the allocated business processes are defined, uniform for all enterprises, the components and key elements of interconnections of business processes of different types. The possibility of use of the proposed key elements of business processes as optimal points of contact in establishing effective interconnections between the various units of the diversified enterprise business by more detailed focusing on the features necessary at a certain time (duration, monetary means, resource spends, etc.) is proved.

Keywords: business process, interconnection, diversified enterprises, key elements, business units, optimal connections, management.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 25.

Zalutska Khrystyna Ya. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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