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The Territorial Policy of Budget Development: a Research Methodology
Pelekhatyy A. O.

Pelekhatyy, Andriy O. (2020) “The Territorial Policy of Budget Development: a Research Methodology.” Business Inform 3:476–484.

Section: Research Methodology in Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aim at developing the theoretical-methodological frameworks, as well as scientific-methodological approaches, and providing practical recommendations to enhance the role of budget policy in ensuring the development of territories. The main levels of methodology of studying the budget policy for the development of territories are defined, namely, fundamental (philosophical), general, specific-scientific and technological. The author allocates and characterizes the successive stages of studying the budget policy for the development of territories: theoretical (substantiation of the theoretical basis of the budget policy for the development of territories, clarification of the conceptual apparatus); methodological (developing principles, methodology and setting approaches to the study on the budget policy for the development of territories); evaluative (formation of a system of indicators, analysis of the status and tendencies of the formation and implementation of the budget policy for the development of territories); scientific and experimental (modeling the impact of budget policy for the development of territories, testing hypotheses) and practical (substantiation of directions and mechanisms to improve budget policy and strengthen its role in the development of territories). The methodological basis of the author’s scientific research on the budget policy and its impact on the development of territories is specified. The author allocates multiple approaches to researching the budget policy for the development of territories as a system because of the fundamental complexity of their structure and properties; the system’s dependence on environmental factors (internal and external) under which the system manifests and changes its properties. The main approaches include: behavioral, institutional, synergistic, program-targeted, behaviorist and interdisciplinary. Prospect for further development in this direction is to identify new stages of research that will influence the formation of methods, principles and methodological approaches.

Keywords: budget policy, development, territories, research methodology.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Pelekhatyy Andriy O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public Administration, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen“ [Research Methodology].


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