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Terms of the Security-Oriented Enterprise Management in Response to Existing Threats
Prytys V. I.

Prytys, Vadym I. (2020) “Terms of the Security-Oriented Enterprise Management in Response to Existing Threats.” Business Inform 3:453–459.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The article analyzes the current operating environment of domestic enterprises and defines the peculiarities of formation of their economic security system with an emphasis on improving management approaches. In order to provide management of the security-oriented enterprises, a list of terms for the implementation of such management is proposed and the importance of taking into account current threats and risks is defined. When considering the economic security, the security-oriented management is proposed to be viewed as a new management approach in the activities of domestic enterprises, which is characterized by an appropriate level of security of interaction. It is defined that there will always be a certain number of conditions for formalizing management processes, which will indirectly or directly influence the efficiency and crucial ability to implement the security-oriented management in the plane of practice. That is, there is a certain totality of terms for the implementation of such management. In principle, they can be divided into two large groups: influenced and uninfluenced at the micro-level. These terms have been fleshed out in the two groups and the specifics of their formation and impact on the economic security of macro-, meso- and micro-levels have been determined. Prospects for further research have been defined in the context of a methodical, organizational and resource-oriented implementation of management of the security-oriented enterprises.

Keywords: economic security, security-oriented management, terms, threats, managerial decisions.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Prytys Vadym I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Administration and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Khmelnitsky National University (11 Instytutska Str., Khmelnytskyi, 29016, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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