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Organizational and Methodological Mechanism for Assessing Project Risks of Enterprises in the Construction Industry
Melnykova V. A.

Melnykova, Valeriia A. (2020) “Organizational and Methodological Mechanism for Assessing Project Risks of Enterprises in the Construction Industry.” Business Inform 3:444–452.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 330.131.7

The article is aimed at developing an organizational and methodological mechanism for assessing project risks of enterprises in the construction industry, as well as improving the methodology for assessing project risks. In order to achieve this goal, a structural scheme has been developed for the functioning of subjects in the organizational and methodological mechanism for assessing project risks, whereby in the perspective uncertainty between the managing and managed subsystems is avoided. The mechanism proposes a quantification assessment of project risks based on a system of quantitative and qualitative parameters that allow identification of the degree of project risks and the level of their threat regarding the failure to implement an investment project on the basis of aggregated quantitative parameters. The article also proposes application of the Shannon method, which provides to determine the degree of entropy, i. e. uncertainty, regarding the possibility of implementing an investment project. As a result of development of the organizational and methodological mechanism, it is determined that the main thing is the identification of all categories and subcategories of risks and a competently planned system of project risk assessment. The developed organizational and methodological mechanism should form a stable system of the process of identifying project risks and determine their level of threats. It should therefore be able to respond quickly to the variability of the external and internal environment; to maintain a dynamic balance between the sources of information, their reliability, timeliness, and the assessment instrumentarium, that will, according to the final results, determine the extent to which the system of implementaton of an investment project can deviate from the status of being ordered.

Keywords: organizational and methodological mechanism, project risks, construction enterprises, quantification assessment.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 15.

Melnykova Valeriia A. – Assistant, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (37 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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