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Cluster-Analyzing the Use and Spread of Internet Technologies in the Regions of Ukraine
Tumanov O. O.

Tumanov, Oleksii O. (2020) “Cluster-Analyzing the Use and Spread of Internet Technologies in the Regions of Ukraine.” Business Inform 3:244–252.

Section: Economic statistics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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In recent decades, the development and spread of Internet technologies have gained enormous momentum. The use of the mobile Internet has greatly accelerated this process. People no longer need to stay at home or in an office to stay online, and some have even completely moved their work to an online environment. Social network, blogs and mass media are important elements of this environment. Social media quickly gained popularity as it enables people to communicate and share their thoughts. Automated data analysis is important to obtain meaningful information that potential businesses, users, and consumers need. In order to better learn the use of social media, the first necessity is to focus on the overall approach and find reliable indicators. These indicators can be presented by information and communication technologies (ICT) data that impact all aspects of human life. They play a significant role in work, business, education and entertainment. This article includes an overview of the algorithms of common clustering methods and references to the studies carried out in recent years that have used appropriate algorithms: 1) based on division; 2) based on hierarchy; 3) on a hybrid basis and 4) based on density. The use and spread of Internet technologies in the regions of Ukraine are researched. The information base of the research is indicators of the existing ICT infrastructure in the regions of Ukraine as of year 2018. Based on the data on Internet use in the regions of Ukraine, a cluster analysis was conducted and visualization of distribution to the resulted groups was presented.

Keywords: clustering methods, information and communication technologies, analysis, algorithms, research.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Tumanov Oleksii O. – Applicant, Department of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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