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The Information and Communication Flows of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Corporatization
Dybach I. L.

Dybach, Inna L. (2020) “The Information and Communication Flows of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Corporatization.” Business Inform 3:191–199.

Section: Education and Science

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UDC 658:338.2

Efficient management of information is becoming a prerequisite for the higher education Institution (HEI) in the conditions of formation of the educational services market. The publication is aimed at studying the theoretical-methodological aspects of the formation of information and communication flows in the context of introduction of corporate methods and management technologies into the practice of their activities. The information environment is considered as a totality of information and communication mechanisms, technical means, channels and flows of information distribution. Features of the information environment of the HEI as an instrument of the corporate organization management by means of the system of organizational communications are studied. It is proposed to understand the information-communication structure of higher education institution as the organized and managed interaction of people, technical means, software, data and system resources that collect, transform and distribute information in educational institution. It is proved that information and communication structure is functioning through information and communication mechanisms which perform four basic functions: control, motivation, emotional expression, and informing. The nature of the information flow in the HEI structure is studied, which acquires formal and informal forms. The basic functions of management in the context of communication relations are considered, the directions of communication relations depending on the belonging of the organizational structure to either bureaucratic or organic types are worked out. The general model of information communication interaction of the HEI which includes elements of such interaction and several interrelated stages of information exchange between the sender and the recipient is proposed. The main components of the annual report of higher education institution, which is the defining source of information for the stakeholders on the efficiency of the institution are elaborated.

Keywords: corporatization, higher education institutions, information environment, information and communication flows, information and communication system.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Dybach Inna L. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Economics and Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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