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![](../_img/white-line.png) Analyzing the Current Status and Prospects of Fishing Industry in Ukraine Myskovets N. P.
Myskovets, Nаtaliia P. (2020) “Analyzing the Current Status and Prospects of Fishing Industry in Ukraine.” Business Inform 3:104–111.
Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Article is written in Ukrainian Downloads/views: 16 | Download article (pdf) - ![](../_img/icon_pdf.gif) |
UDC 338.1:639.2/.3
Abstract: The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of fishing industry in Ukraine in general and Rivne region in particular, as well as determining prospects for the development of fishing industry in the coming years. The economic performance indicators of Ukrainian enterprises, which carried out fishery activities, is provided, and the enterprises of Rivne region are paid special attention. The dynamics of water resources extraction during the last ten years (2008-2018) are analyzed, which shows a significant decrease in catches in the country (almost three times). Besides, starting from 2018, changes to the list of the fishing industry regions are made. It is examined that the extraction of water bioresources in the inland water facilities during the same period has a clear upward trend, which indicates the development of fisheries, fish farming and aquaculture in the inland natural water reservoirs. The product structure of exports and imports of goods in general is analyzed; fish and crustaceans are allocated among others, and their proportion in the overall structure of exports/imports is assessed. It is recommended to increase domestic volumes of growing fish and other water living resources to reduce their imports to Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the catches of water living resources in each region of Ukraine is carried out and the proportion of each region carrying out catches is determined. The main categories of natural water reservoirs in which fish farming operates are artificial ponds, water storages, lakes; aquaculture also operates in the aquariums of industrial volumes. The available water capacities for fish farming and aquaculture development of Rivne region are covered. The powerful fishery enterprises of Rivne region are characterized and the most popular fish species bred there are provided. The main prospects of the fishing industry in the implementation of the fishing industry development strategy for the period up to 2023 are presented together with a negative scenario of the fishing industry development, if the strategy is not adopted and implemented.
Keywords: enterprises, fish farming, fishing, aquaculture, water living resources, catches, exports, imports, prospects.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 11.
Myskovets Nаtaliia P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of the Department, Department of Scientific Work and Postgraduate Studies, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities (4 Academik Stepan Demianchuk Str., Rivne, 33027, Ukraine) Email:
List of references in article
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