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Trends of Digitization in the Insurance Market of Ukraine Shubenko I. A.
Shubenko, Inna A. (2020) “Trends of Digitization in the Insurance Market of Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:273–279.
Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 5 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 368:004
Abstract: The article is aimed at studying the theoretical-practical bases of digitalization and identifying its main trends in the insurance market of Ukraine. It is defined that digitalization is not only the digitization of information and its distribution through modern telecommunications channels, but also the process of introducing new telecommunication technologies to the insurance organization to improve customer service. Taking into account practical activities in the insurance sphere, the main digital technologies are allocated: website, social network, chatbot, web forum, video hosting, video telephony, cloud technologies, automated systems for verification of insurance contracts. It is researched that the share of insurance companies that have formed websites is 80% of the total number of insurers listed in the State Register of Financial Institutions in Ukraine. The article, based on information posted on the official websites of Ukrainian insurance companies, analyzed the use of certain elements of digital technologies. On this basis, six main trends of digitalization of the Ukrainian insurance market are defined: digitalization as a new direction of the formation of the insurance market has just begun in Ukraine, but is developing rapidly; expansion of the digital insurance system, which includes a whole range of services offered by insurance companies to their potential customers and existing insurers; formation of a mobile insurance system through the creation of mobile apps; introduction of telematics; introduction of automated systems for insurance contract verification and the use of cloud technologies.
Keywords: digitalization, insurance market, digital technologies in the insurance market, insurance service, telematics, cloud technologies.
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 14.
Shubenko Inna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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