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The Foreign Experience of Crediting the Small-Sized Business
Strilets V. Y.

Strilets, Victoriia Yu. (2019) “The Foreign Experience of Crediting the Small-Sized Business.” Business Inform 3:44–50.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to researching the global experience of crediting the small-sized business through the prism of the current obstacles for Ukraine in accessing the debt financing. The main obstacles constraining the small-sized business entities from taking credits are summarized in the publication. A research on the foreign experience of credit support of the small-sized business development is carried out according to the evaluation criteria from positions of definition of problem points of the small-sized business crediting in Ukraine. The share of short-term credits in the structure of the credit portfolio of the EU Member States is analyzed. The relevance of various types of credit services in the activities of the small-sized business entities of the EU-28 countries is defined. A comparison of indices of the credit reception both in Ukraine and abroad in 2018 is carried out. Scientific novelty of the article is the scientific-methodical approach to analyzing the foreign experience of crediting the small-sized business from positions of problem points definition, which allowed to define features of credit provision in foreign countries (priority of certain types of credit services; urgency and tendencies of changes in the cost of loans; problematic aspects of receiving debt financing on pledge, etc.).

Keywords: development of the small-sized business, credit support of development, small-sized entrepreneurship, foreign experience of crediting the small-sized business, financing the small-sized business.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Strilets Victoriia Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Survey on the access to finance of enterprises“. (SAFE) Analytical Report 2018.


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