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Improvement of the Methodology to Control Risk of Bank Customers in the Context of Implementation of an Effective Risk-Based Approach
Pleskun I. V.

Pleskun, Inna V. (2019) “Improvement of the Methodology to Control Risk of Bank Customers in the Context of Implementation of an Effective Risk-Based Approach.” Business Inform 12:302–310.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in English
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The article presents a structural-logical composition of the results of generalization of the approaches of scholars to the classification of bank risks. The feasibility of improving the risk-oriented approach is substantiated in accordance with the issues of prevention and counterance of corruption risks and modern changes in the financial monitoring system in the context of the development of mechanisms for risk control and assessment. A fragment of decomposition of the process of creating a model of risk control of customers in the context of implementing a risk-oriented approach is presented, consisting of three successive steps: analysis of the external and internal environment of risk control of the customers as subjects of primary financial monitoring; formation and testing of the risk map of customers as subjects of primary financial monitoring; implementation of controls in case of high-risk customers.

Keywords: bank, risk, control, risk-oriented approach, risk assessment.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 25.

Pleskun Inna V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Banking and Financial Services, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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