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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 338.22
Bielikova N. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Developing the Ideological Platform for Reforming the Economy of Regions of Ukraine (p. 8 - 14)

The article is concerned with developing the ideological platform for reforming the economy of regions of Ukraine on the basis of theories, conceptions, approaches and methods of research of regularities in the economic development of countries and their regions. The article substantiates both theoretical basis and methodological support for developing a economic reforming mechanism; expediency of use as to certain economic theories as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods as to reforming the economy of country and its regions. Requirements for development of the ideological platform of reforming the economy of the country's regions have been defined. The article considers achievements of philosophical disciplines that form the basis for developing of the ideological platform of economic reforming: philosophical anthropology (existentialism) as doctrine about the human nature (essence); social theory and the institutional theory, developed on the basis of the latter; philosophy of economics; conceptions and ideas of the philosophy of history. The theoretical basis of studying the economic reforming in Ukraine and its regions has been substantiated, which consists of the following components: reforming the model of country's economy as a whole; reforming the model of a particular region's economy; reforming the model of region's economy as a component of the national economy; reforming the model of economy of country and its regions.
Keywords: reforming the economy, region, model, socio-economic development, theory, conception, ideological platform
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Bielikova Nadiia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Academic secretary, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bielikova, Nadiia V. (2016) “Theoretical Aspects of Developing the Ideological Platform for Reforming the Economy of Regions of Ukraine.” Business Inform 1:8–14.

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